Can you really get me more money for my pharmacy? How and why?Yes, in almost every instance we can increase the money you would receive. We utilize our experience from having negotiated pharmacy purchases from a buyer’s perspective (both chain and independent). Using our proprietary data to review the value of an operation we insure the offer is not under-valued. By negotiating directly with the buyers we provide a buffer from any intimidating factors which may exist. We negotiate for you from strength of knowing the value of your operation to you and to the buyer.
Who pays Hayslip Pharmacy Brokers – the pharmacy owner, or the buyer?
We are a “for-fee” consultancy/broker. This means in most transactions, the seller pays us. The reason the seller pays us is we work directly for the seller, and protects the seller's interests at all times. In almost every case, we pay for ourselves many times over because we get you more for your drug store.
Are your services confidential?
Yes they are. Confidentiality is extremely important to us. The only people who will know you have a pharmacy for sale are you, Hayslip Pharmacy Brokers, and whomever else you decide to tell. Buyers only become aware of specifics once they are fully qualified.
Do I need attorney assistance for the sale of my pharmacy?
Hayslip Pharmacy Brokers does have an experienced drug store sales attorney available to recommend and review your contract. His services and fee structure can be included in Hayslip Pharmacy Brokers’ consultant fees. However, if you have your own attorney and you feel more comfortable using him or her that is fine.
Does Hayslip Pharmacy Brokers really have buyers for my store, or are you just trying to get a listing?
Yes, we do have buyers. We maintain a database of drug store buyers interested in acquiring good businesses. We are constantly contacted by individual owners and regional chains to assist in acquiring independent drug stores in specific markets. These buyers like working with us because they know when we are involved, it means they get a fully analyzed pharmacy sales prospect.
Why don't you list pharmacies for sale on this website?
The primary reason our pharmacies are not listed is due to confidentiality with our clients. Many of our clients do not want it announced their business is for sale. They don’t want local competitors to know as it may give them an advantage to your customers and cause a negative impact on the business being sold. If customers should discover there may be a sale they may move their business impacting sales and profits on the current operation. Should employees find out our clients may lose their outstanding associates as they look for new employment. In a word: CONFIDENTIALITY.
I have an interest in buying a pharmacy, how can your company help with this?
First, we may already have a pharmacy for sale which meets your interest. Second, we can direct you to financial agents who provide financing (upon qualification). Several of these agents specialize in pharmacy financing. Finally, we will work with your lender of choice to gather the information needed to assist in the financing process.
How do you value a pharmacy, and can the valuation change?
We use proprietary statistical data to calculate the value of a pharmacy. Calculations are based using information provided in the initial interview, data provided by the client, market trends and other proprietary factors. Yes, the valuation can change depending on numerous factors (competition arriving or leaving, third party plan changes, market conditions, buyer interest, etc.).
How long does the selling process take?
The selling process varies depending on different factors such as location of the operation, volume of the business, type of operation, selling price, financing availability, etc. Generally, once we have received the detail information package from a seller, it takes about two weeks to put together a marketing plan specific to the store. Some operations have sold in as little as 30 days while others may take longer. We work very closely with the seller through the entire process. While it is not an overnight process, we are committed to streamlining the process and completing the sale as quickly as possible.
Do you provide references?
We do provide references upon request. We understand how major a decision to sell an operation is for our clients. We want them to be comfortable with their decision in choosing Hayslip Pharmacy Brokers to assist in the process. We estimate over 75% of our new clients come from referrals by former clients.
Does Hayslip Pharmacy Brokers ever sell other businesses?
No. We only specialize in pharmacies of all types (retail, closed-door, compounding, etc.). We are considered experts in the industry concerning the buy/sell pharmacy transaction. Our business is developing exit strategies for pharmacy owners, and assisting individuals who want to own a pharmacy operation in the buying process.